I never crave a smoothie. I don’t even crave fruit. (No, wine doesn’t count…) I like apples, berries, and some dried fruit like apricots, cranberries, dates and figs, but they’re all pretty low on my totem pole of choices.
Despite that, yesterday I craved a smoothie! I didn’t want to cut, chop, or eat leftovers and the result was quick, easy and super satisfying. If you want to make it, the recipe uses approximate measurements (I just eyeballed) and serves 2:
1.5 cups frozen berries (I used blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and raspberries)
1 small, ripe banana
2 TBSP peanut butter
1/4 cup raw cashews
3/4 cup almond milk
handful of fresh blueberries
handful of fresh strawberries
Purée in a high-speed blender until everything is well combined and enjoy!